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Chuck Schumer urges Biden to drop out

In a confidential sit-down at President Joe Biden’s Delaware residence, Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) reportedly urged the President to step back from his re-election campaign. This revelation comes from ABC News chief Washington correspondent Jonathan Karl. Schumer’s office, when pressed for details, offered a cryptic response, stating, “Leader Schumer conveyed the views of his caucus,” while dismissing other reports as mere “speculation.” The news has ignited a firestorm among Democratic supporters on social media, who are increasingly frustrated by internal party conflicts aimed at Biden. Many voiced their discontent on X, expressing their disdain for the infighting. One user, @sueplick, remarked, “So that was Saturday, and obviously Biden told Schumer to stuff it – this is news on Wednesday why?” Another, @NMDeSimon, stood firmly by Biden, stating, “I don’t care. I voted in the primary. He’s my guy.” The sentiment of betrayal was palpable in @DeereDeere’s post: “Democrats are sabotaging any, and every chance we have to beat Trump. Democrats are not listening to the majority of voters. They are buying into Republican rhetoric. I have never been more disappointed in Democrats. Democrats do not get to dismiss my primary vote for Biden.” In a blunt message, @Meltart wrote, “Tough s—. We voted for our candidate.” The outrage continued with @MrDirt66 accusing, “So coup #2 is in full force.” @AC_Californian criticized Schumer’s approach, “Schumer is a weak leader to just relay concerns from his caucus. He could say, ‘look, Tester and Brown are going to say you should step down because they have a really tough race, but you and I know there’s no other person who could do better than you, so you have my support.'” Another user, @anches, questioned the point of the reporting, “Given that Biden has made multiple appearances since this one-on-one confirming his candidacy, what’s the point of this reporting? Other than to demonstrate Schumer’s cowardice for not being direct with the American people.” Wrapping up the sentiment, @beachmamax2 noted, “Annnndddd then yesterday he defiantly said he wasn’t going anywhere. But this explains the line about friends in Washington” — referencing Biden’s recent speech in which he echoed Harry Truman’s famous quip, “If you want a friend in Washington, get a dog.” The intraparty turmoil underscores a broader discontent among the Democratic base, which is fed up with perceived disunity and perceived undermining of Biden’s leadership. This incident serves as a stark reminder of the ongoing challenges facing the Democratic Party as it gears up for the next election cycle.
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